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Town Square Dental Blog

Wear a Mouth Guard and Reduce Your Risk of Injury

December 3, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:24 am

Kids and adults enjoy participating in sports. It is good, wholesome entertainment, and there are so many benefits. But along with keeping players fit and having fun, there is always the risk of sports-related injuries. Dental trauma occurs all the time. Therefore, we encourage our athletic patients to always wear a mouth guard and reduce your risk of injury during practices, games and other physical activities. Play it safe with a durable and tear-resistant, custom-fit mouth guard.

Your Smile Is Worth Protecting

About 40 percent of all dental trauma is sustained by patients playing sports. Not wearing a durable and tear-resistant mouth guard during play leaves you about 60 times more vulnerable to sports-related injury. Wearing a custom sports guard protects your face and mouth during recreational activity and competitive sports, decreasing the likelihood and severity of dental trauma.

Custom mouth guards provide protection against more than a chipped, fractured, broken or even an avulsed tooth. It also safeguards against more serious conditions like neck injuries, jaw fractures, and concussions.

If you wear dental braces, it is especially important to safeguard the investment and prevent the brackets and wires from damaging your teeth or soft tissue in the mouth during impact. In addition, if your braces get damaged or broken it may delay your orthodontic treatment time.

Custom Mouth Guards Provide More Comfort and Protection

There are several options available for purchasing a sports guard. A custom mouth guard is specifically made to fit your mouth perfectly. It is the most comfortable choice and will provide the best protection. A professional mouth guard can also be customized to suit your specific sport.

Additional advantages of wearing a custom mouth guard:

  • It is made to fit only your mouth, so it is less likely to be displaced while you are in motion.
  • Custom mouth guards are more durable and tear-resistant. They last longer than over-the-counter versions due to the higher quality materials and construction.
  • More fitted and less bulky, you will be more likely to wear it when needed.

Made to fit your mouth, a professional custom sports guard will provide the most comfort and the best protection against sport-related injury to the mouth and face.

Close the Gaps in Your Smile

November 22, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 2:12 pm

Does your smile suffer from gaps and missing teeth? Did you know that missing teeth can affect not only your appearance but also the functionality of your smile? Patients with missing teeth often have difficulty speaking and chewing correctly, a higher risk of teeth shifting and loss and even eventual bone loss, causing the patient to look aged.

Dental implants are a newer form of restorative dentistry that allows your Pasadena dentist to restore the appearance and function of your smile permanently. Unlike dentures and partials, no adhesives are needed to ensure your teeth stay put; dental implants are surgically attached to your jawbone.

About Pasadena Dental Implants

When a patient is missing teeth, dental implants may be a great solution. A dental implant is made of three parts: the implant, the crown, and the abutment. The “implant,” a tiny titanium post, serves as an artificial tooth root, providing stability for the prosthetic crown. The crown is the artificial tooth which will look, feel and function just like a natural tooth. The abutment is used to attach the prosthetic crown to the metal root.

Because dental implants are surgically attached to the jawbone, they are permanent and do not have the risk of falling out with normal use such as eating and speaking.

Dental Implant Benefits

For many years, dentures and partials were the go-to solutions for patients with missing teeth and gaps. However, with recent advancements in dentistry, dental implants are now a great, comfortable and permanent alternative. Dental implants have many benefits for replacing missing teeth, which include:

  • Remove the gaps in your smile.
  • Can look and function similarly to a natural tooth.
  • Reduce strain on remaining natural teeth.
  • Improved speaking.
  • Improved chewing.
  • No dental adhesives needed.
  • Decrease bone loss and restore a youthful appearance

Ready to restore the gaps in your smile with dental implants? Contact Town Square Dental in Pasadena, TX today to schedule your appointment. We’d be happy to look over your teeth, gums and overall oral health to determine if dental implants are the right treatment option for you.

Your Dentist Isn’t as Scary as You Think

November 13, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 4:50 pm

Did you know that up to 75% of Americans suffer from some sort of dental anxiety or outright dental phobia? This isn’t all that surprising. In previous decades, fear of dentists was a lot more well-founded. The technology, practices, and sedation, were not as advanced as they are today. Thankfully, there is less of a reason than ever to be fearful of your local dentist. In fact, you should think of them more as a friend than a doctor.

How to Get Over Anxiety in the Dental Office

Yeah, sure, you can agree that medicine has become more advanced in recent years, but that might not alleviate your anxiety altogether. Think about this, though, that the study of not just dentistry, but psychology, has become more advanced. What is more, these two studies are being combined to make for a more pleasing atmosphere when you’re leaning back in the chair.

  • Kid-friendly exam rooms.

Most dental offices are introducing kid-friendly exam rooms to take away some of the fear that comes with being in a cold, sterile, plain-looking environment that kids so often associate with things like injections and pain. Dentists know that it can be scary, trust us, they are no strangers to a screaming child or even a fearful adult!

  • Advanced sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry is quickly becoming more advanced. This means less pain associated with the sedation process. It also means you will be sedated quicker and more efficiently than ever before. This leads to pain-free operations and a drastic reduction in dental anxiety.

The Dentist is Your Friend

Like we mentioned before, of course, your dentist is a highly trained professional, but that doesn’t mean they are intimidating or scary. Your dentist has your best interest at heart. They are looking for ways to keep your teeth, and your whole body, happy and healthy. Essentially, dentists are trying to do such a good job that you will need to be back in the office less often with less serious problems. If you go in for regular checkups and cleanings, then you will be able to overcome your fear of dentists and reduce your dental anxiety drastically.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

October 18, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 5:42 am

Do you suffer from missing or severely damaged teeth? Looking for a dental treatment to permanently restore the function and appearance of your smile? With dental implants from Town Square Dental, the perfect treatment is possible. We are proud to offer dental implants for our patients that have one or more missing teeth or teeth that need to be extracted.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants function, feel and look just like natural teeth. They consist of an artificial root, an abutment, and a prosthetic crown. A tiny titanium post serves as the artificial root, with an abutment attached so that the crown can be placed and secured. Certain issues caused by missing teeth such as bite and speech problems as well as an aged appearance can be improved once dental implants have been placed. For patients with bone loss, a bone graft or even sinus lift may be necessary before treatment to fully support the implant.

Dental Implant Treatment

Before dental implant treatment, an evaluation of your teeth, gums, bone and overall oral health will be necessary to determine if you are a candidate and if a bone graft or sinus lift may be necessary. Once this has been completed, the dental implant procedure can commence:

  • The artificial titanium root will be surgically placed into the jawbone.
  • As the mouth heals, the titanium post and natural jawbone will grow together, creating a long-lasting foundation for artificial crowns. This can take weeks to months depending upon various factors.
  • Once the mouth heals, and your jawbone has fully grown around the implant, abutments will be placed on top of the post so that the prosthetic crown can be attached.
  • An individual prosthetic crown, bridge or denture will then be attached to the abutment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Many patients at our Pasadena, TX dental office wonder if dental implants may be the right dental treatment option for their situation. Here are some of the benefits of dental implants in comparison to other options:

  • Feel, Look & Function like Natural Teeth
  • Improved Bite
  • Improved Speech
  • Improved Oral Hygiene
  • Decreased Bone Loss
  • More Youthful Appearance
  • Permanent Solution
  • Requires No Adhesive

To see if you’re a candidate for dental implants, book an appointment with Town Square Dental today!

5 Dental Care Tips for Kids

October 11, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 8:27 am

Of course, we know what we’re supposed to do to take care of our teeth – brush and floss daily, stay away from overly-sugary foods and drinks, see our dentist regularly – and we do our best to keep up with that (…right?). But it’s important that we are also instilling that same diligence in our kids, which may be easier said than done. Here are five tips on how to maintain healthy teeth for your kids.

1. Take regular visits to the dentist.

Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be when their first tooth appears, or within six months of that event (but no later than their first birthday). During this first visit, the dentist will: obtain a dental history for your child; inspect for oral injuries, cavities or other problems; let you know of any risks in terms of dental health; clean your child’s teeth; and guide you on proper brushing habits and cavity prevention.

2. Eat healthily and drink fluoridated water.

Most cities fluoridate their public supply of water, so residents can receive their dose of fluoride easily. (If you live in a city where this is not the case, fluoride supplements are available.) Sugary snacks and drinks should be avoided; fruits and vegetables should be a big part of your child’s diet instead. Good snacks for healthy teeth include apples and carrots (for the vitamins and cleaning factor from the crunchiness) and cheese (for the calcium).

3. Use fluoridated toothpaste.

Fluoride is a very important part in helping to prevent cavities as it helps to build strong enamel. Though it’s a naturally-occurring mineral and you can get it through your diet and tap water (in most cities), it’s important also to be using toothpaste that contains that extra boost of fluoride.

4. Practice positive brushing habits.

Supervise your child’s brushing until you’re confident that they can do it properly and safely on their own. Then, make sure that they are brushing for at least two minutes, twice a day (morning and night).

5. Start flossing regularly.

This is a habit that’s important to instill early on. Parents may think that it’s not necessary until the permanent teeth have come in, but flossing should actually begin once teeth start to touch, since that’s when just brushing will not be enough to get rid of all that food and plaque.

How Much Do You Know About Your Teeth?

September 25, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 11:57 am

At Town Square Dental in Pasadena, TX, we believe that an essential part of our patient’s dental treatment is education. This allows them to make educated, informed decisions in regards to their dental conditions and treatment. We often find that patients don’t know much about teeth other than they want them to be bright and healthy, so this week we’re discussing your teeth!

  • About Incisors – You have eight incisors that are located at the front of your mouth. They have a sharp biting surface which is used for cutting food into smaller more chewable pieces.
  • About Canines – You have four canine teeth which are located at the corners of your dental arches. They have a sharp, pointed biting surface which is used to grip and tear your food.
  • About Premolars – As an adult, you will have eight premolars which are located between your canine and molar teeth. They have a flat biting surface which is used to tear and crush the food you eat.
  • About Molars – As an adult, you will have twelve molars, which are the largest of your teeth and are located in the back of your mouth. They have a large flat biting surface which is used to grind, crush and chew the food you eat.

Proper At-Home Dental Care

To ensure you have optimal oral health, practicing proper dental care techniques is necessary. When selecting a toothbrush, opt for one that fits your mouth correctly and has soft bristles. Although a hard brush may seem like it can clean better, they can actually cause damage. Be sure to brush your teeth at a minimum of twice a day, spending 2 minutes brushing. Flossing is another important step; be sure to floss at least once a day. This can remove additional debris you may miss with your brush.

5 Foods for a Healthier Smile

September 15, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 11:28 am

We all know to stay away from sugary foods for a healthy smile, but what foods make up a tooth-friendly diet? Your teeth and gums need nutrients just like the rest of your body, so eating healthy is a must to preserve your smile in the long run. Here are some ideas of food for healthy teeth to try and incorporate into your diet.


Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that are necessary for strengthening your teeth. Not only that, but many cruciferous fruits and vegetables can help scrape away food particles and bacteria while you’re chewing. However, try keep your citrus fruit intake to a minimum, as the acid in citrus can wear away your tooth enamel over time.


Water is necessary for your overall health, but did you know that it’s also good for your teeth? Not only does drinking water help to flush away food particles and bacteria, but tap water also contains fluoride, which makes your teeth stronger and helps fight cavities and tooth decay.


Dairy such as cheese and milk contains calcium, which strengthens your teeth from the inside out. It’s especially important for younger people to eat a lot of calcium, as they have a great chance of being able to store large amounts of it in their bones.

Fatty Acids

Fish and flax seed oils contain fatty acids that help to strengthen your teeth. These fatty acids have also been shown to reduce the likelihood of gum disease, making for a healthier mouth overall.

Sugar-Free Drinks

Try to avoid sugary drinks if you want to prevent tooth decay. Water is the best beverage for you, but if you have to drink soda or juice, try to find a sugar-free variety. The acid in sugar-free soda is still bad for your teeth, so keep your soda intake to a minimum. Naturally sugar-free beverages are your best bet for healthy teeth.

Your dentist will be able to let you know if you need to make any dietary changes for a healthier, happier smile. Call Town Square Dental to book an appointment with your dentist today!

Tips for Improving Your Child’s Dental Health this School Year

August 25, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 4:14 am

Each year we have parents that ask what they can do to improve their child’s overall dental health. While “brushing and flossing” may seem like the right answer, there is a lot more involved in maintaining optimal oral health for children. While we always recommend brushing twice daily and flossing once daily at minimum, there are other things you need to be doing to ensure your child has the best dental health possible.

Routine Dental Examinations & Teeth Cleanings

Making sure you schedule routine examinations and cleanings at Town Square Dental in Pasadena can help protect your child’s teeth from discoloration, decay, and cavities. We can also check for any other dental issues that may need to be addressed such as spacing or bite issues.


Sealants are a quick, comfortable and affordable way to give your children’s teeth an extra layer of protection. Most children’s teeth have pits and grooves that can easily trap bacteria, debris, and plaque. When a sealant is applied, it seals these pits and grooves, making it harder for debris to get trapped and allowing for easier cleaning.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments are another affordable, fast and pain-free way to give extra protection to your child’s teeth. Fluoride can help strengthen enamel, protecting teeth against acid, bacteria, and decay. It has even been shown to reverse early signs of decay in some children.

Nutritional Foods

Diet is a great way you can help improve your children’s teeth. Avoiding sugary, unhealthy foods and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables can be a great way to naturally clean teeth and provide them with necessary vitamins and minerals.


Staying hydrated is important for everyone, but did you know that dehydration can also cause dental issues? Without enough saliva, debris and bacteria are harder to wash down, leaving them in the mouth to cause decay, cavities and even bad breath! Make sure your child also washes down any snacks or lunch with some water since brushing won’t be possible.

Taking Care of Your Gums

August 24, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 9:07 am

Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is a vital part of tending to your overall health. If undetected or left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss, bone deterioration, permanent mouth damage, and it can be devastating to your whole-body wellness.

How to Keep Gums Healthy

Even still, gums are often neglected. Many people fail to use dental floss regularly and stay on top of routine dental cleanings. Approximately 50 percent of adults over 30 develop some level of gum disease, yet with proper oral hygiene habits, it is easy to prevent.

Since the early signs of gum disease are mild, they are easy to ignore, especially if you don’t recognize the symptoms. This is one reason why gum disease is so common. But the signs of healthy and unhealthy gums are quite clear.

Healthy Gums

  • Pink and firm
  • Adhere snugly around teeth
  • Keep teeth tightly in place
  • Do not bleed easily
  • No swelling or tenderness

Unhealthy Gums

  • Swollen and red
  • Tender or painful to the touch
  • Easy to bleed
  • Receding
  • Thin, white or pale in color

Gum Disease Prevention

Knowing how to keep gums healthy is the first step toward preventing gum disease. Caring for your teeth and gums does not require an extraordinary effort. Just practice good oral hygiene every day, to help maintain gum health.

  • Brush at least twice every day: Whenever possible, brush with a fluoride toothpaste after each meal. Choose a toothbrush with soft, nylon bristles and use gentle, circular motions to clean your teeth. Brushing with too much force will not clean your teeth any better, in fact, it can damage enamel and cause gum irritation. Replace your brush about every four months, sooner if the bristles are frayed.

  • Floss daily: A dental floss is a highly-effective tool for removing plaque, food debris and bacteria from areas your toothbrush can’t reach. Be sure to scrape teeth surfaces using gentle, back and forth motion and not dig hard into the gums.

  • Use a therapeutic mouthwash every day: Rinsing with a good therapeutic mouth wash helps eliminate bacteria that accumulates on teeth, gums and beneath the gum line.  Swishing daily provides added protection against gum disease and cavities. If you notice early signs of gum disease such as redness or swelling, try rinsing with a mixture of warm water and salt twice a day to boost the natural healing process.

  • Visit your dentist regularly: Typically, professional dental cleanings and exams are recommended twice a year, at six-month intervals. But if you are having oral health issues or symptoms of unhealthy gums, you may need to see your dentist more frequently.

  • Stop smoking: Tobacco users are twice as likely to develop gum disease, as compared to people who don’t smoke, or use tobacco products. The dangerous habit can cause a plethora of health concerns along with dry mouth, teeth yellowing and sticky deposits on enamel, creating the ideal environment for bacteria to flourish and plaque to accumulate.

How to Avoid Teeth Grinding

July 26, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 2:26 pm

Bruxism is a condition that results in clenching or grinding teeth, often during sleep. Although you might not know that you’re doing it, this condition can be extremely harmful to your oral health. Teeth grinding effects include tooth erosion, teeth loosening or falling out from the pressure, and the degradation of bone and gum tissue. It can even lead to TMJ disorders over time.

It’s important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism so you know if you need to seek treatment. Here are some important things to know about teeth grinding.

Teeth Grinding Symptoms

As teeth grinding tends to be an unconscious activity, it can be hard to diagnose. Still, there are a few noticeable signs that you might have bruxism. If you sleep near a partner or spouse, they may be able to tell you if you grind your teeth in the night. You may also experience an aching face or jaw, or your dentist may notice that your chewing surfaces have been worn down during a checkup.

Treatment for Teeth Grinding

If you’re wondering how to stop grinding teeth, there are a few different treatment options available. One of the simplest fixes for bruxism is to wear a special mouthpiece at night that puts a barrier between your top and bottom teeth, preventing them from rubbing together. Your dentist will take an impression of your mouth so that this piece can be made to fit comfortably.

Other treatments for bruxism include trying to relax before sleeping, as stress is one of the major causes of teeth grinding. You can also opt for a procedure to even out your bite so that your teeth fit more comfortable together.

If you have any questions about teeth grinding or suspect you may grind your teeth, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your dentist. Our staff at Town Square Dental would be happy to assist you. Give our office a call to book an appointment today!

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