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Town Square Dental Blog

Removing Fillings from Teeth: Should I Replace My Silver Tooth Fillings?

May 9, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:07 am

Now less common than they once were, amalgam material used for dental fillings are still used, except now they are at the center of a swirling controversy. Many aren’t keen on the metal appearance they give their teeth, but still prove to be a great option for those on a budget. At Town Square Dental in Pasadena, TX, we still offer amalgam fillings for those that need them, but let’s discuss what they are and if they’re safe for you and your family.

What is Silver Amalgam (Silver Tooth Fillings)?

To this day, it is estimated that silver amalgam fillings are still placed in the mouths of 1 billion people annually. Thanks to its usual low cost, its ease in working with, its effectiveness in covering dental tooth decay, and its accessibility, silver amalgam is still preferred by many. The silver amalgam itself is composed of a mix of metals that include mercury, silver, and tin.

Why Are Silver Tooth Fillings Causing Controversy?

The question posed above is an interesting one. You would expect a material used by so many dentists for so long would be a sure and safe choice. However, the controversy surrounding silver amalgam fillings has to do with the mercury found in them. This particular substance is actually what gives the material its easy application, but it has been linked to causing headaches, tremors, emotional changes, and muscle

Replace Your Fillings

The truth of the matter is, is that the health risks associated with dental amalgam fillings are inconclusive. There is no solid evidence that they cause health problems, so what you do with you and your fillings is up to you and your dentist. Be sure to have a long conversation about your options to make the best possible decision for your circumstances. Contact us today to make your first appointment!

Benefits of Dental Implants with Removable Dentures

April 30, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 6:27 am

Dental Implant Overdenture – What Is It?

While traditional dentures rested directly on the gums, new dental implant supported dentures have revolutionized how dentures are worn. This new style of dentures is referred to as an overdenture. When missing all of the teeth in the upper or lower part of the jaw, dental implants are recommended. While used for individual teeth previously, this newly adopted style of denture snaps into place via several dental implants.

Types of Dental Implant Supported Dentures

There are generally two styles: Bar-retained dentures and ball-retained dentures. Bar-retained dentures use small metal bars to interconnect the tops of dental implants that are then used to connect the denture. For ball-retained dentures, there are not connecting bars, and instead, each implant connects to the denture. Each has separate benefits and will be greatly determined by your dentist’s recommendation for your specific scenario.

Placement of Dental Implants

The structure of a person’s jaw is always going to be slightly different, but in most cases, there is generally more bone present in the front of the mouth. For this reason, this is most commonly the location of the installed dental implants. Installing dental implants can sometimes be a complicated process since it is so unique for each and every patient. The post-installation healing process can take several months.

Dental Implant Supported Denture Care

Like standard dentures, overdentures need to be removed nightly and cleaned. Careful attention must also be placed on the cleaning of the bars or balls of the dental implant. Your dentist will also need to check the status occasionally. Any feeling of looseness should be reported to your dentist immediately since tiny bits of looseness can quickly spread and cause larger issues.

Dental Implant Overdenture Expectations

For a patient looking for increased stability over their current denture, a switch to an overdenture will help. Also, expect increased comfort and confidence.

The Importance of Preventive Dentistry

April 18, 2018

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — dentistpasadenatx @ 6:51 am

Some may dread it, some may avoid it, and some may even have a phobia of it, but the importance of going to the dentist with regularity is huge! Biannual trips to the dentist go much more beyond just getting your teeth cleaned. Preventative dentistry serves a greater purpose than you may realize, but in this article, we will be discussing just that.

Preventive Dentistry Preserves Your Smile

Monitoring or catching problems in the mouth are imperative for a healthy and beautiful smile. Screening for gum problems, tooth movement, or even tooth decay can give you a window of knowledge that you need to begin taking better care of your teeth now in order to prevent costly and painful problems later.

Preventive Dentistry Helps Your General Health

Gum disease is usually closely monitored by your dentist as it is linked to many health problems that go beyond the mouth. Gum disease can lead to diabetes or even heart disease, problems that should not be taken lightly. By visiting the dentist office, you are making your general health an overall priority that can save you a life of worrying. Maintaining proper oral hygiene habits, using products approved by your dentist to keep your mouth healthy, and visiting your dentist twice a year can stop gum disease before it manifests itself in your body. Even oral cancer screening done by your dentist can have the potential to save your life.

Preventive Dentistry Preserves Your Lifestyle

By keeping your mouth healthy now, you ensure that you don’t have to change your diet in order to stay away from foods that could harm you. You even preserve your ability to speak by stopping tooth loss in its tracks. Keeping yourself healthy will keep your self-esteem and confidence at an all-time high.

At Town Square Dental, we offer general and cosmetic dentistry services that also includes preventative procedures. Give us a call today to make your health a priority in your life!

Why You Should Wear Your Retainer After Braces

March 26, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 5:44 am

The great majority of people with misaligned teeth can blame genetics. Unfortunately, if you don’t wear your retainer after you are done your braces off, your genetics can come into play again, and your teeth will go right back to where they were before. Without the retainer, an orthodontic relapse can occur. This means that the teeth fall back into a position of misalignment, and this can take a lot of effort to correct.

Reasons Why Retainers Are Important

There are more reasons to wear your retainer than you might think! Here is a short list of things that make the retainer so important to your new smile.

  • They stabilize your bite. Once you get your braces off, you must know that during the whole process of having braces changed a lot when it comes to your jawbone and teeth. The soft tissue of the jaw needs time to realign. Retainers give it this chance.

  • They maintain space for wisdom teeth. Many times, braces are applied to younger people who have not yet gotten their wisdom teeth. If your teeth are held in place with retainers, there is a higher chance that there will be space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to grow in. This will help solve the problems that your wisdom teeth may have caused, as well as allow you to avoid a possibly painful extraction.

  • They prevent orthodontic relapse, or treatment reversal. As we mentioned earlier, without retainers, orthodontic relapse isn’t just likely, it’s inevitable. Your teeth will start to move and float around back to a position of misalignment rather quickly. If you don’t wear your retainer for just a few days, you will notice a difference. The teeth do not have firm roots in their current positions, so wearing your retainer is extremely important, especially at first.

The Benefits of Custom-Fitted Mouthguards

March 11, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 1:41 pm

Many adults suffer from tooth grinding. It is a common problem that isn’t always immediately treated. When left untreated, it can lead to headaches, pain, tooth damage and more. Town Square Dental in Pasadena, TX provides custom fitted mouthguards. Read on to learn about the many benefits of dentist fitted mouthguards.

What can happen if you don’t wear a mouthguard?

It is common for many individuals to wear mouthguards when taking part in an activity or sport. The guard protects your teeth from breaking or even getting completely knocked out. Further stress is caused on your teeth when your jaws hit against each other. These minor or major hits can cause cracks and even fracture your jaw. They also reduce the pain that follows having TMJ.

How do mouthguards work? Mouthguards are created to absorb the shock of impact. They protect the teeth and jaw by allowing the impact to hit the mouthguard first. Most sporting goods stores sell ready-made mouthguards. These work well for an inexpensive way to slightly protect your teeth. Mouth-formed mouthguards are also a cheap way to take care of your teeth. They are practical, but still not completely comfortable.

Town Square Dental offers custom dentist fitted mouthguards. We highly recommend you invest in a fitted mouthguard to protect your teeth and overall health. They are comfortable to speak and breath with, long-lasting, and made just for you. They are a perfect fit!

Speak with your dentist about getting a custom fitted mouthguard. Why wait to protect yourself and eliminate unneeded pain? A custom-fitted mouthguard is a perfect solution for teeth grinding, TMJ, and headaches. If you are in the Pasadena, TX area, call Town Square Dental to schedule an appointment for a custom-fitted mouthguard today!

The Pros & Cons of Dental Veneers

February 25, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:03 am

Your dentist may have recently recommended you think about implanting dental veneers. This recommendation could have sprung from a variety of different reasons, such as, chipped or cracked teeth, restoration after a root canal, or maybe you are just unsatisfied with the current appearance of your teeth. Whatever the reason may be, it is always best to do your homework and make sure that dental veneers are the best option for you. Continue reading to see if you need to call your dentist to make your veneer appointment!

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are very thin, film-like surfaces applied to the front of a tooth. Veneers are mostly for aesthetic purposes, making the tooth they are placed on top of look healthy and well kept. They can be made of one of two different materials, porcelain or resin composite. Resin composite is much thinner and offers less of the surface of the tooth to be taken off. Porcelain is much more natural-looking and is stronger against possible stains and cracks. Taken care of well, veneers can last for many years to come.

Dental veneers are a quick, simple and effective procedure to change the appearance of your teeth for the better, but what should you expect the day of your appointment? The day off, your dentist will buff the surface of your tooth to about half a millimeter down. If you opt for resin composite, our dentist will bond and sculpt the material to your tooth and can be done in one day. If you chose porcelain, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth and send the mold off to a lab to make your custom veneers. By the next appointment, your new veneers will be cemented to your teeth using a shade that most closely matches your natural tooth color, and using a handheld UV light to harden the bond.

Pros of Dental Veneers

  • Strong and durable
  • Stain resistant
  • Instant results
  • Natural looking
  • Easy to maintain

Cons of Dental Veneers

  • Cost
  • Increased sensitivity – Don’t worry, this isn’t an issue for everyone, it is simply a possibility as part of the procedure includes removing a layer of tooth enamel.
  • Possibility of damage
  • Eligibility – If you suffer from weak enamel, this may not be the best possible option for your teeth.

Who Needs Fluoride Treatments?

February 5, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:53 pm

Fluoride is one of the best cavity fighters at a dentist’s disposal and helps to ensure your teeth stay healthy for a long time. When bacteria caused by plaque starts to break down the enamel of the teeth, fluoride can help to rebuild the enamel where it is breaking down. Through a process called remineralization, it can also repair tooth decay. Studies have shown that since fluoride was incorporated into toothpastes and mouthwashes in 1960, there has been a decline in the amount of cavities people get.

There are many ways to get more fluoride into our bodies. It is in many of the foods we eat and the beverages we drink, but there are still many people with levels of fluoride that are too low. Luckily, there are more concentrated fluoride treatments that your dentist can recommend in order to help strengthen the teeth.

Fluoride treatments are often recommended for children to help strengthen their teeth from an early age, but many adults discredit the way fluoride can help. In fact, adults need fluoride treatments even more than children since the enamel can break down easier for adults. Children have naturally higher levels of fluoride while adults do not.

There are several conditions that can benefit from additional fluoride treatments, such as:

  • Molars that have large grooves and deep pits
  • Those with a lot of previous dental work or a history of cavities
  • Patients with gum disease and/or recessed gums
  • Frequent snackers
  • Chronic dry mouth

Fluoride treatments can be in the form of a gel, a foam, a liquid or a pill. It is quick and easy, and the treatment is normally done as part of your bi-annual checkup and examination. Think a fluoride treatment can help strengthen your teeth or combat one of the issues mentioned above? Give us a call to set up an appointment so we can help get your teeth as strong as possible!

The Best Way to Clean Your Mouthguard, Night Guard or Retainer

January 25, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:34 am

Mouth guards, night guards, and retainers are very helpful dental appliances, but unfortunately, many people neglect these items which can lead to dirty/damaged appliances or costly replacements. Mouthguards protect your teeth, so why shouldn’t you protect it from damage and harm? Caring for these items is important and easy to do. Here are a few retainer, night guard, and mouthguard cleaning tips:

Use an antibacterial solution.

While even water is better than nothing, don’t just give the mouthguard a quick rinse and think that is enough. Use an antibacterial soap to ensure it is clean and germ-free. Make sure to properly rinse before inserting in the mouth to avoid the soapy taste.

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Thoroughly clean your mouthguard at least once a month.

At least once a month, it is crucial to deep clean a mouthguard. While many people think that using a toothbrush and toothpaste for a mouthguard makes sense since it kills germs, the scrubbing motion of a toothbrush on a mouthguard can lead to the plastic being broken down and shortening the life of the mouthguard. Denture cleaner is gentler and very effective. The effervescent quality works to get into small spaces better where bacteria love to thrive.

Clean your case.

We are guilty of sometimes putting our mouthguard back in its case without cleaning it, but that can lead to bacteria staying in the case and making an unhealthy environment to store your dental appliance. The case can be more aggressively cleaned than the actual mouthguard, so grab an old toothbrush, and some hot water an antibacterial soap like Guard Health and scrub it clean!

Replace your mouthguard, when needed.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes mouthguards need to be replaced. Pay close attention to the point when any cracks start to become large. They can cut the cheeks or trap bacteria easily and spread infection.

Chocolate and Your Teeth

January 16, 2018

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 9:58 am

Most dentists do not advise consumption of candies as part of a daily diet because of the detrimental effect of sugars on the teeth. There are, however, benefits to chocolate being included in a person’s diet. Based on validated longitudinal studies, a daily consumption of chocolate may actually improve cognitive function of your brain and overall health of your teeth. A caveat though—all chocolate is not created equal.

What Makes One Chocolate Different from Another

There are three common types of chocolate; dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Cocoa solids have the greatest benefits to overall health, but only dark chocolate and milk chocolate contain the solids which may improve health. White chocolates only contain cocoa fats and sugar, so have no proven nutritional value. Milk chocolate, while it does include cocoa solids, only contains approximately 10% solids and has a significantly higher sugar content than dark chocolate.

Benefits of Chocolate

The benefits of dark chocolate come from its increased cocoa solid content. The polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins in cocoa are considered antioxidants and are where cocoa’s health benefits lie. These chemicals contained in the cocoa solids help to discourage overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and neutralize the organisms found naturally in the mouth that lead to the breakdown of enamel and tooth decay.

There are different percentages of cocoa content, so it is important to be aware that the more solids chocolate contains, the less sugar it contains as well. Most dentists advise 70% cocoa solid content to achieve the greatest benefit to health and the less sugar it contains, the better. Some dark chocolate bars contain up to 99% cocoa solids.

When it comes to oral health, chocolate still isn’t everything and isn’t a replacement for an oral health regimen. It is important to continue regular yearly dentist examinations and daily brushing and flossing. Your healthy teeth are our pride and joy!

The Benefits of a Bright Smile

December 26, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 7:24 am

A nice, brighter smile can affect the way you look, the way people judge you and improve the way you feel about yourself. Smiling, however, can be a problem in individuals with stained teeth as a result of not taking care of your teeth, aging, beverages, tobacco and other food items. When your teeth are stained, many aspects of your life are affected. You may find yourself avoiding social scenes, close and long conversation, business meeting and general interactions with people. Teeth-whitening techniques can be an effective solution for the restoration of self-confidence when you smile. Teeth whitening can also give you a more youthful appearance when you smile. This can be done in two ways: either using whitening kits which have been made readily available over-the-counter or having a dentist do it.

Your smile affects:

  • Personal and work-related relationships. Knowing that your teeth are white can give you much confidence to speak to people around you in the office or at home.
  • Job interviews and meetings. This can be very important in job interviews where you have limited time to let your interviewer know that you are the best for the job.
  • Success dealing with customers and potential clients.
  • Your confidence and general happiness. With the feeling of confidence, you can face challenges which the assurance of success. This can also lower your self-esteem when you can’t hold a long conversation with friends or colleagues because of the fear that they are staring at your teeth.
  • Your overall outlook on daily interactions.
  • Regaining confidence in your smile is very helpful in all the areas mentioned above. Once you get back a beautiful smile, you can regain the confidence necessary to let your smile loose! It’s exciting to regain your confidence, and we hope that this information helps you in your endeavor and provides you with some overall knowledge of what your smile can do for you.

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