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Brighten Your Smile from Home!

January 31, 2017

Filed under: Blog — dentistpasadenatx @ 10:10 pm

Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after dental cosmetic treatments by patients. The treatment is designed to improve your smile by correcting the discoloration of teeth as a result of food and drink, tobacco use, wear, or trauma, resulting in a brighter, more sparkling appearance.

Teeth Whitening Options

There are several teeth whitening options now available for patients to improve the shine of their smile. One of the teeth whitening options that patients choose first and foremost are over-the-counter teeth whitening products or whitening toothpaste. However, many patients find that these over-the-counter products are not highly effective. For that reason, the preferred method for teeth whitening treatment is through the dentist’s office, where it can be done professionally. These treatments use stronger agents that are often more effective in comparison to store-bought products and have a more lasting result. The dentist can even provide you with a professional teeth whitening kit that you can continue to use within the comforts of your home.

DIY Teeth Whitening

While professional whitening from the dentist is often the best solution for correcting tooth discoloration, there are other teeth whitening methods that can be done at home which can be used to help touch-up a recently brightened smile. This is especially useful if you have recently eaten foods or drinks that can easily cause discoloration to your teeth.Try one of the following popular DIY teeth whitening solutions to brighten up your smile:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Paste – Simply mix a small amount of the two ingredients to make a paste. Apply to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as normal. Keep in mind that since these two ingredients can be abrasive, only use this solution for a few days at a time. Wait a few months before reapplying the solution.
  • Banana Rub – A more natural approach to tooth whitening is by using a banana peel; the minerals in bananas can help promote healthy whitening effects! After you have brushed and flossed, peel a ripe banana and use the inside of the peel to rub on your teeth for two minutes. Rinse afterward.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Another, less-tasty—but effective—solution for teeth whitening is a diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the solution with a natural toothpaste and brush your teeth as usual.

Try out the above DIY teeth whitening solutions for an even brighter smile! You are also welcome to book an appointment with us for a professional teeth whitening treatment to maximize your smile’s sparkle.

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